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Hedge Fund Database
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Articles in category: Fund News

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

to page: 89 1 .. 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 to page: 91

Dexia provides $5bn credit line for US monoline (Fund News)
Topic: News Dexia, the Belgian-French financial services group, acted to bolster confidence in its US bond insurance division by providing a $5bn credit line to the subsidiary.
  FT - MON, JUN 23 2008
Paulson says worst still to come (Fund News)
Topic: News John Paulson, the US hedge fund manager said at a conference in Monaco that it was too early to look for bargains in the financial sector and predicted the worst was yet to come for the UK housing market.
  Hedgeweb - THU, JUN 19 2008
CIC to invest socially responsible (Fund News)
Topic: News China Investment Corp. (CIC), the $ 200 bn sovereign wealth fund, intends to be a socially responsible global investor by shunning industries such as gambling, tobacco and arms manufacturing, the fundâ??s president said on Friday.
  Hedgeweb - SAT, JUN 14 2008
Chinaâ??s Safe to invest in TPG fund (Fund News)
Topic: News Chinaâ??s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (Safe) has reportedly agreed to invest more than $2.5bn in the latest TPG fund, in what could be the largest commitment ever made to a private equity firm.
  Hedgeweb - WED, JUN 11 2008

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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