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Hedge Fund Database
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Articles in category: Fund News

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

to page: 85 1 .. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 .. 93 to page: 87

New York remains hedge fund capital (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment New York remains the hedge fund capital of the world despite growth in London over the past few years, according to a report from International Financial Services London.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, JUL 15 2008
Private equity chief calls for code on profits (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Europeâ??s private equity groups should draw up a voluntary code of conduct on how profits made from deals should be split among investors, managers and staff, the head of Axa Private Equity has told the Financial Times.
  FT - MON, JUL 14 2008
Cohen backs IAM buy-out (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Sir Ronald Cohen, co-founder of Apax Partners, is backing the management buy-out of ABN Amroâ??s former hedge fund arm International Asset Management (IAM).
  Hedgeweb - THU, JUL 10 2008
Morgan Stanley traders replace Coffey at GLG (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment GLG Partners has hired two senior traders from Morgan Stanley to replace Greg Coffey, the GLG fund manager whose surprise resignation prompted $2bn of redemptions from Londonâ??s second-biggest hedge fund group. GLG manages a total of $24bn.
  Hedgeweb - THU, JUL 10 2008

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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