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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



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683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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K1 founder remains in custody (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Helmut Kiener, founder of the K1 hedge fund group, who is accused of defrauding investors, claims Barclays and other investors have started ??a witch hunt? against him to deflect attention from their own mistakes.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, NOV 10 2009
FBI makes more arrests in insider trading case (Headlines)
Topic: Funds & Investment US prosecutors on Thursday revealed criminal charges against 14 people, including a hedge fund executive who allegedly handed out pre-paid cell phones to tipsters so they could avoid detection.
  Hedgeweb - FRI, NOV 06 2009
Former TCI manager launches new fund (Headlines)
Topic: Funds & Investment Patrick Degorce, a founding member of The Children??s Investment Fund, has launched his new hedge fund, called Theleme Partners, with an estimated $200m (£122m) under management.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, NOV 03 2009
UK pension deficits rise (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News Pension funds of FTSE 100 and FTSE 350 companies have swung into deficit over the past year, and their deficits widened by 27 cent in the month of October alone, as the negative effect of falling bond yields more than outweighed the benefits of the recent surge in equities.
  Hedgeweb - MON, NOV 02 2009

683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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