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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



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  Hedge Fund Directories
Listed Hedge Funds:9,959
HF Professionals:16,369
Service Provider:516
Articles in category: Fund News

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

to page: 39 1 .. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 .. 93 to page: 41

FINRA Fines Terra Nova Financial $400,000 (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) today announced that it has fined Terra Nova Financial, LLC, of Chicago, $400,000 for making more than $1 million in improper soft dollar payments to or on behalf of five hedge fund managers, without following its own policies to ensure the payments were proper.
  Hedgeweb - WED, NOV 25 2009
Hedge funds expected to make billions from GGP investment (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Hedge funds and other investors now stand to make billions of dollars from their holdings in bankrupt US mall owner General Growth Properties.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, NOV 24 2009
EU top-parliamentarian recommends strict hedge fund rules (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Top parliamentarian Jean-Paul Gauzes has written to members of an influential European Union committee recommending strict rules for hedge funds that clamp down on pay and borrowing, according to Reuters, which cited his report.
  Hedgeweb - MON, NOV 23 2009
Ex-Renaissance MD Frey returns with new fund (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Robert Frey, former managing director at Renaissance Technologies, one of the world's biggest and most profitable hedge funds, is returning to the industry with the launch of a new fund.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, NOV 17 2009

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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