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9 Articles (3 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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2009 Outlook for Global Health Care Investing (Analysis)
Topic: Comment & Analysis As we complete the worst January in the history of the U.S. equity markets, we are surprisingly optimistic about the prospects for healthcare equities from both a fundamental and technical perspective.
  Oracle Investment - TUE, MAR 24 2009
Dubai property bubble bursts (Analysis)
Topic: Comment & Analysis The classified ads in Dubai read like an obituary for a real-estate market that until a few months ago seemed immune from the global credit crisis.

  Bloomberg - FRI, DEC 05 2008
Private equity and fees (Comment)
Topic: Comment & Analysis Solomon Owayda, who oversees â?¬4.4bn of private equity investments at SVG said at a conference in London that "I am going to have a hard time when someone is trying to raise their third or fourth fund and itâ??s going to be $4bn or $5bn and they still want to charge 2 per cent."
  Hedgeweb - FRI, NOV 07 2008
A Danish fix for the US mortgage crisis (Comment)
Topic: Comment & Analysis The recent compromise struck between the Treasury and Democrats in Congress on the fate of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored mortgage guarantors, constitutes the worst of all possible worlds.
  George Soros - TUE, AUG 12 2008

9 Articles (3 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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