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683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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GLG posts loss (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment GLG, the UK-based hedge fund, unveiled losses for the first half after accounting for non-cash expenses and a drop in performance fees.
  Hedgeweb - WED, AUG 06 2008
Several EU countries fight plan to limit asset-backed investments (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News 13 European countries including Germany and France rejected a European Union plan to restrict banks' investments in asset-backed bonds and other risk-sharing instruments.
  Hedgeweb - WED, AUG 06 2008
Dow Kim's plan for new hedge fund put on hold (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Dow Kim, the former head of trading and investment banking at Merrill Lynch & Co., dropped plans to start a hedge fund after investors backed out, according to people familiar with the situation.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, AUG 05 2008
Kuwait to double Japan exposure (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment The Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) is planning to double or triple its investment in Japan, according to Mustapha al-Shamali, Kuwait's finance minister.

Kuwait and Japan have also reached an agreement in principle to end or reduce double taxation on interest, dividends, capital gains and other investment income.

Until now China has been the main beneficiary of the KIAâ??s interest in Asia.

Like most other sovereign wealth funds KIA is looking to reduce its exposure to the US and the US dollar but there are only a few other markets and currencies large and liquid enough to pick up the slack.

Many believe the euro may be at an peak while they expect the Japanese yen to appreciate against the dollar. Kuwait's announcement and a planned total investment of $50bn in Japan underscores this view.

  Hedgeweb - MON, AUG 04 2008

683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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