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232 Articles (58 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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FDIC may ask for advance payments from banks (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News US banks will have to advance tens of billions of dollars to the cash-strapped fund protecting depositors at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation under a proposal to be to be put forward by regulators on Tuesday.
  Hedgeweb - TUE, SEP 29 2009
US financial regulators are working on new short-term borrowing rules (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News Regulators are considering proposals to prevent banks from growing overly dependent on short-term borrowings ?? as was the case with Bear and Lehman. The idea behind the discussions is that capital alone is not enough to prevent a run on a bank that depends on the overnight markets for funding.
  Hedgeweb - MON, SEP 28 2009
US financial sector??s losses on loans exploded over the past year (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News The US financial sector??s losses on large loans exploded over the past year, exceeding the combined losses since 2001, with hedge funds and other members of the ??shadow banking system? hit the hardest, according to an annual review by regulators.
  Hedgeweb - FRI, SEP 25 2009
DnB NOR to raise $2.4bn (Business, Economy & Finance)
Topic: News DnB NOR, Norway??s largest bank, is to raise NKr14bn ($2.4bn) in a guaranteed rights issue to bolster its capital base against rising bad loans.
  Hedgeweb - FRI, SEP 25 2009

232 Articles (58 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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