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683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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SEC admits failures in Madoff case (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox said the agency failed to act for almost a decade on "credible and specific allegations" of wrongdoing by Bernard Madoff.
  Hedgeweb - WED, DEC 17 2008
Apollo and Huntsman reach agreement on breakup fee (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Apollo Management LP, the private- equity firm, agreed to pay $700m to Huntsman Corp. to terminate a $6.5bn LBO of the chemical maker by its Hexion Specialty Chemicals Inc. unit.
  Hedgeweb - MON, DEC 15 2008
List of names exposed to Madoff's alleged 'Ponzi Scheme' widens (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Below is a list of the names rumoured or confirmed to have exposure to the alleged fraud of investment advisor Bernard Madoff.
  Hedgeweb - MON, DEC 15 2008
BOA plans to cut 35,000 jobs (Headlines)
Topic: News Bank of America Corp., the third-largest U.S. bank, said yesterday that it plans to cut as many as 35,000 jobs because of the weak economic environment. The job cuts will take place over the coming three years and will equal 11 per cent of BOA's total workforce.

The number of Americans filing first-time claims for unemployment benefits surged to 573,000 last week, the Labor Department said. It is the highest level since November 1982.

  Hedgeweb - FRI, DEC 12 2008

683 Articles (171 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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