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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge



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Some hedge funds suffered significant losses in May
  Hedgeweb - MO, 17. MAI 2010
Funds & Investment Some of the world??s biggest hedge funds have suffered significant losses this month after high levels of volatility across markets and the short-lived stock market plunge in New York combined to wipe billions from portfolios, the FT reports.

According to reports, losses in the first week of May alone erased all gains made so far this year for some managers. $10bn computer-driven fund BlueTrend dropped 7.57% during the first week of May. Rival AHL, the $20bn monolith run by the Man Group fell 3.3%. Uncertainty over the success of the European Union??s ?750bn bail-out plan has added to volatility, exacerbated by a so-called ??flash crash? in the US on May 6, 2010.
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