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Barton Biggs dies at age 79
  Hedgeweb - MI, 18. JUL 2012
Funds & Investment Former Morgan Stanley global market strategist and hedge fund manager Barton Biggs died on Saturday at the age of 79, according to an internal memo from the firm. The memo, sent by Chairman and Chief Executive James Gorman to all staff, didn't specify the circumstances of his death.

Mr. Gorman wrote in his memo: ??Barton left an indelible mark on our business, our culture and our shared notion of leadership at Morgan Stanley ? He was known as an independent thinker, colorful writer and one of the pioneers of emerging markets investing, and our firm benefited from his vision.?

After retiring from Morgan Stanley in 2003, Barton Biggs launched Traxis Partners, a multi-billion dollar global macro hedge fund based in Greenwich, CT.

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