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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



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  Hedge Fund Directories
Listed Hedge Funds:9,959
HF Professionals:16,369
Service Provider:516
Articles in category: Fund News

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

to page: 80 1 .. 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 .. 93 to page: 82

Private equity debt purchases spark criticism (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment When TPG Capital sold Alltel, the US mobile phone operator, to Verizon for $28bn in June, they not only profited from the shares it owned but also from Alltel's debt it owned.
  Hedgeweb - MON, AUG 18 2008
Public pension funds increase investments in hedge funds (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Public pension funds in the U.S. are increasing their investments in hedge funds and real estate in an attempt to fill deficits in retirement plans and make up for their worst performance in six years.
  Hedgeweb - FRI, AUG 15 2008
Apollo faces questions over Dutch fund (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment Apollo Global Management, the US private equity group, will face questions from investors about the future of its poorly performing Amsterdam-listed fund.
  Hedgeweb - THU, AUG 14 2008
Cinven buys stake in Indicus Advisors (Fund News)
Topic: Funds & Investment The private equity group Cinven has bought a 50 per cent stake in Indicus Advisors, a debt investment boutique.
  Hedgeweb - WED, AUG 13 2008

370 Articles (93 Pages, 4 Articles per Page)

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