Hedge Fund Directories |
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Hedge Fonds Top Performer
Top Performer NovemberHedge Fonds | Dachfonds
Name | Kategorie | Rendite |
Schut... | Hedge Fonds | 18,76% | Kingd... | Hedge Fonds | 7,91% | Linde... | Hedge Fonds | 5,80% | Welto... | Hedge Fonds | 5,38% | Orien... | Hedge Fonds | 5,32% | Dynam... | Hedge Fonds | 5,13% | Simco... | Hedge Fonds | 5,10% | ART G... | Hedge Fonds | 3,60% | DSC M... | Hedge Fonds | 3,34% | DSC M... | Hedge Fonds | 2,99% |
CTA | Managed Accounts | Private Equity | Venture Cap Name | Kategorie | Rendite |
Oxeye... | Managed Accounts | 4,48% | V4 - ... | Managed Accounts | 3,94% | V1 - ... | Managed Accounts | 2,52% | Steyn... | Investmentfonds / Sonstige | 2,49% | Conse... | CTA / CPO / Managed Futures | 2,33% |
Stand: 21.12.2024 - 00:15 CET
Top Performer OktoberHedge Fonds | Dachfonds
Name | Kategorie | Rendite |
Linde... | Hedge Fonds | 2,93% | | Besto... | Hedge Fonds | 1,79% | | Shake... | Dachfonds | 1,49% | | IXI I... | Hedge Fonds | 1,38% | | Nanji... | Hedge Fonds | 1,35% | | Chica... | Hedge Fonds | 1,34% | | Auden... | Hedge Fonds | 0,99% | | DSC M... | Hedge Fonds | 0,96% | | Colch... | Hedge Fonds | 0,87% | | DSC M... | Hedge Fonds | 0,80% | |
CTA | Managed Accounts | Private Equity | Venture Cap Name | Kategorie | Rendite |
Oxeye... | Managed Accounts | 2,36% | | The H... | CTA / CPO / Managed Futures | 1,28% | | Oxeye... | CTA / CPO / Managed Futures | 1,24% | | FX In... | Managed Accounts | 0,99% | | FX Qu... | Managed Accounts | 0,60% | |
Top Performer 1 Jahr Mindestvolumen: 10 Mio USD
Name | Kategorie | Datum | Rendite |
Orien... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 50.43% | Linde... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 49.18% | Dynam... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 45.01% | Portl... | Hedge Fonds | 10/2024 | 35.48% | Steyn... | Investmentfonds / Sonstige | 11/2024 | 30.28% | Welto... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 27.59% | Q Ind... | Investmentfonds / Sonstige | 11/2024 | 26.00% | Portl... | Hedge Fonds | 10/2024 | 24.72% | Steyn... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 24.40% | IXI I... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 21.04% | Wavef... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 18.84% | Prosp... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 16.65% | Taran... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 16.47% | Auden... | Hedge Fonds | 10/2024 | 15.10% | Shake... | Dachfonds | 11/2024 | 13.89% | Allar... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 13.02% | Portl... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 12.88% | Steyn... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 12.66% | ART G... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 12.12% | Allar... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 11.31% |
Siehe auch: Kategorie 1 Jahr
Top Performer 3 Jahre Mindestvolumen: 10 Mio USD
Name | Kategorie | Datum | 1 Jahr | 3 Jahre |
Prosp... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 16.65% | 116.61% | Steyn... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 24.40% | 68.82% | Steyn... | Investmentfonds / Sonstige | 11/2024 | 30.28% | 63.04% | IXI I... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 21.04% | 47.58% | Q Ind... | Investmentfonds / Sonstige | 11/2024 | 26.00% | 41.89% | Orien... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 50.43% | 39.97% | Quadr... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 8.89% | 38.55% | Welto... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 27.59% | 31.40% | Linde... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 49.18% | 28.47% | The H... | CTA / CPO / Managed Futures | 10/2024 | 10.68% | 27.61% | Simco... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 10.21% | 27.42% | Colch... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 8.85% | 26.15% | IMFC ... | CTA / CPO / Managed Futures | 11/2024 | 2.39% | 23.41% | Steyn... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 12.66% | 22.61% | The K... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 5.43% | 19.06% | Auden... | Hedge Fonds | 10/2024 | 15.10% | 18.23% | The K... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 5.43% | 16.61% | Nanji... | Hedge Fonds | 10/2024 | 5.95% | 16.37% | Chica... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 6.90% | 15.24% | Dynam... | Hedge Fonds | 11/2024 | 45.01% | 15.20% |
Siehe auch: Kategorie 3 Jahre
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