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Hedge Fund Database
Morgan Hedge Fund Database



  Hedge Fund Search
Name, ISIN, Ticker:

Hedge Funds Search Detailed Search
  Hedge Fund Directories
Listed Hedge Funds:9,960
HF Professionals:16,369
Service Provider:516

Hedge Fund Manager FAQ



Does a listing comply with Regulation D advertising restrictions?


Is Morgan Hedge 'Lamp' compliant?


Does the appearance in the Top Performer Lists violate Regulation D advertising restrictions?


What are the fees associated with listing funds or investment programs in the Morgan Hedge Database?


Do members have to pay a subscription fee for the Morgan Hedge Database?


What are the advantages of listing funds and investment programs in the Morgan Hedge Database?


Who are your registered users?


How is information for my firm, fund(s) and investment prgram(s) updated and may I view and amend this information?


When are the updates and changes to funds / investment programs published?


What happens if there are no performance updates for my fund or investment program?


Until when do monthly performance updates have to be posted?


In what languages is your site published?


What performance statistics are used and how are they calculated?




Who is eligible to register?


What happens after the initial registration?


How do you verify the information provided by the Manager?




How long does it take to post monthly returns?


How can I provide more detailed information about the instruments, holdings and regional allocations of a fund?


What happens if Performance Updates are not provided by the Manager / Advisor / Fund / Investment Program?


What Documents can be uploaded?


Basic / Premium Listing


How do I upgrade to a Premium Listing for an existing Fund or Investment Program?


What is the difference between Basic and Premium?


Do we need to renew our listing at the end of each term?


Upload Documents


Why upload Documents?


What Documents can be uploaded?


Does a link have to refer to the funds or managers webpage?


Why should documents be uploaded as PDF Files?


Is there a limit to the number of documents that can be uploaded?



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